As an empath, a person who can intuitively feel other’s emotions (extensively!), I’m always finding ways to balance, protect & purify (reset) my aura. The aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds people & objects. Thoughts and emotions we carry and pick up from people and places can affect the balance of our energy field.
The state of your energy field can be determined by colors according to those who can read auras, but you don’t need to be an expert aura reader to know when someone or something is “just off” or “not right”. Constantly feeling drained, tired or out of focus can be indicators that your Aura may need a quick pick me up.
One way to really reset your energy field is to take an aura bath with flowers, perfumes and many other magic ingredients (check out some here & here). However, we can find ourselves in situations where we can’t always do a ritual on the spot so a quick aura spray can help you do that on the go. Aura sprays are not only for your person, but also for objects and places. Every place or thing has an aura or ambiance. Some places may feel stuffy or heavy making it difficult to find it comfortable. Aura sprays are great for those types of spaces.
Depending on the energy of the place & situation and mood you’re in, an aura spray can be just what you need to enliven your senses. Below I will show you 5 of my favorite aura spray recipes for any situation.
Basic tools you’ll need:
- Spray Bottle (Any glass or amber glass is best)
- Water (distilled, rose water or tap water will do)
- High Proof Vodka (to preserve)
- White Wine or White Vinegar
- Essential Oils
The Recipes
1. The Scholar: Study, Concentration, Intelligence
- Cinnamon Oil
- Grapefruit Oil
- Vanilla Oil
2. The Neat Freak: Tense, Anxious, Hyper
- Chamomile
- Cedarwood
- Ylang-Ylang
3. The Drama Tamer: Angry; Hostile, Argumentative
- Gardenia Oil
- Patchouli
- Basil Oil
4. The Gym Bunny: Energy; Stamina; Recovery
- Peppermint Oil
- Grapefruit Oil
- Lemon Oil
- Eucalyptus Oil
5. The Great Goddess: Cleanse, Purify, Banish
- Frankincense + Myrrh Oil
- Ginger Oil
- Jasmine Oil
- Rose Oil
Books I love for Essential Oil Recipes
The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood
The Complete Book of of Incense, Oils & Brews by Scott Cunningham
Helping Yourself With Magical Oils by Maria Solomon
The vodka, wine or vinegar scent does not affect the oil mixture at all and it becomes odorless once mixed with the oils. I prefer to add & mix the oils first followed by the vodka & water poured last. Shake a little and your aura spritzers are ready to use.
**Essential oils are highly concentrated and should only be used on skin diluted as indicated in this post or with carrier oils.