Moon cycles has been part of our ancestor’s way of coexisting with the Planet and the Cosmos. It was a way for them to find a balanced existence with nature and everyday life circumstances. Whether it was the new moon to begin a cycle or the full moon to end a period, there was always an intentional meaning in between the Earth and the sky.
I’ve been able to tap into the many beautiful aspects the moon has to offer in small but yet significant aspects of my everyday life. I wouldn’t say I’m a lunatic (as my brother jokingly refers to me, typical Gemini lol), but I do love the moon’s energy and the mysticism surrounding it which I have experienced in many types of rituals whether it be moon, water, etc.

One of my favorite ways to incorporate the Moon’s cycles and energy into my life has been in my day to day beauty routines. I like to collect moon water to enhance that “glow from within” which helps bring light into my aura. I also use the moon water as a base for my personal home sprays and spritzers.

Of all my interactions with the moon, one that I have loved to experiment with great results is cutting my hair according to the moon cycles. Check out my hair journey from the beginning of times and when I incorporated the moon to my hair regimen, here.
With the current awareness of moon rituals you may be familiar with the new moon (beginnings, manifestation) and the full moon (endings, banishing). In addition to those cycles, there are also sequential cycles in between such as the crescent moon, first quarter moon, Gibbous, Full Moon, Disseminating. In all there are 8 cycles and each cycle has it’s attributes. To read more about the moon cycles and their energetic vibration, check out this article by the Hood Witch.
Timing is everything and I understand that completely as Saturn, (ruling planet of Capricorn) the god of Time, always keeps me in check. This gives me a better understanding of phases, timing and restrictions.
Farmers rely heavily on the season’s and the moon cycles and that’s where the farmer’s almanac comes into play for me.
Not only can you see when is the best time to check the weather for your summer wedding, but it’s used by farmers to know when is the best time to plant a seed or harvest crops.
For anything to grow it needs time and that most definitely goes for hair. Just like a farmers who take entire seasons of growth also experience seasons of stagnancy, waiting and patience.
I don’t want to sound so mundane and say this analogy applies to hair, but in reality it applies to any aspect of our lives as well be it relationships, healing and so forth.
Every cycle flourishes in it’s right time, with time.
So speaking of best timing here is a free quick guide for the 2019 Farmer’s Almanac best days for losing weight, starting a project, growing hair, shaving, etc. this Spring season. For the remaining seasons of 2019 visit the almanac website online.

The concept is very simple pick a day which is favorable for growth to trim your hair. In between cycles care for your hair as normal which is conducive to healthy hair and growth. This will give you an intentional way to interact with your hair and and the moon cycles.
New Moon Aura Ritual Bath