Last weekend I decided to go to the salon since I wanted to complete my no heat challenge inspired by a post from Black Hair Media, a forum dedicated to hair care. It was called “45 Day No Heat Challenge” and it required you to abstain from direct heat such as flat irons, blow dryers and the only form of heat allowed was indirect heat from a hooded dryer with rollersets. This was required for 45 days and shampoo was forbidden, only natural forms of cleansing the scalp with apple cider vinegar or baking soda were allowed. I haven’t come across a recipe for an apple cider vinegar and baking soda sclap cleanse that I’m comfortable with yet, but I have been alternating between my sulfate free shampoo, Hair one and Dr bronners peppermint Castile Soap.
Although it was for 45 days I extended it to almost 4 months starting New Years Eve. Betweeen Jan and mid Feb I just air dried my hair and did weekly deep conditioning treatments. Then since around mid February I have been rollersetting and wrapping my hair. April 4th I decided to flat iron ending the no heat challenge Results here. Since I had used heat I wanted to head out to the salon and do an official length check.
Despite the great results I get from the salon, this last visit to the salon was one of the main reasons why I try to minimize my visits. To start I hate going to the beauty salon, because of the time one can spend at the salon, depending on the day and where you go, you can spend anywhere from 2- 5 hours just getting your hair done. But lately since I have become involved in my hair care I have noticed that hair dressers not all, but the ones I have experienced at the Dominican salons, especially during my last visit can be straight up damaging. Yes the results can be bone straight hair but the process can be a set back to all the work you may have been putting into your hair care.
Since I have been paying attention to my hair I have noticed that hair can be very fragile and delicate especially when wet. Can you believe my hair at the salon was untangled with a tooth comb while wet?? Do you know how thick my hair has gotten since using Castor oil? Using a fine tooth comb on thick wet hair is very scary. Then while roller setting she would just rip right through my tangles with the fine tooth comb with no regards. After the rollers came out it looked like my hair was crying for mercy that’s how dried out it turned out. Then as she would blow dry my hair, as she would get to my ends, she would twist the brush causing my hair to get caught up in tangles and just viciously rip my hair. At one point I was getting paranoid and thought she was doing this on purpose. But I kept my cool and realized how aware I have gotten in terms of how others treat my hair and hair in general. My hair looks very nice and all but the process can be grueling. This was the first time I actually watched the hairdresser instead of reading a magazine or dozing off. It was an eye opener and I have to find a better hair dresser.
(I only use the end when roller setting never to untangle the hair)
Besides that I took a picture of my length and I believe I may do a waist length challenge. I’ll decide sometime this week. Besides that taking care of your hair requires you to pay attention not only to the products you use but the overall care of your hair as well. Now I feel guilty with all the heat and roughness my hair has been through so now I’m going to spoil my hair with moisturizers, co washes, deep conditioners and no heat at all for a while.
This weekend I did an Avocado and Castor oil treatment followed by hello hydration, Chi Keratin mist and air dried my hair. I’m just going to simply maintain protective styles throughout the week. I wanted to do natural hair recipes starting June but my hair is in much needed moisture and repair.
Ready for my deep conditioner, an over ripe avocado is best.
I just mixed the avocado with Castor oil and a little aloe mixed together and left it in my hair for about 2 hours with out heat and 20 mins under the dryer. I air dried my hair, moisturized with ORS in the jar and sealed the moisture with Coconut oil. Since I air dried my hair as opposed to roller setting I will be doing braids, braid – outs and ponytails hiding my ends most of the week.
This is how my hair came out the next day after the avocado deep conditioner. Very soft, shiny and moisturized. Overall I have noticed that I can do just as good of a job with simply rollersetting and wrapping my hair at home. The process of me doing my own hair is very rewarding and I know exactly what is being used and of course I treat my hair with delicate hands. So I won’t be heading to the salon unless it’s for a very special occasion or perhaps in 4 months when I do my next length check.