Many are familiar with Nyx, the cosmetics line named Nyx that is. However, not many are familiar with Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night. In actuality she is not the goddess of night, but rather she is the night, the mother of darkness itself. It is said that Nyx was born out of chaos and through her we experience grief, deceit, pain, sleep, death, misery, dreams and retribution among other things.
“NYX (Nux), Nox or Night personified. Homer (Il. xiv. 259, &c.) calls her the subduer of gods and men, and relates that Zeus himself stood in awe of her. In the ancient cosmogonies Night is one of the very first created beings, for she is described as the daughter of Chaos, and the sister of Erebus, by whom she became the mother of Aether and Hemera. (Hes. Theog. 123, &c.) According to the Orphics (Argon. 14) she was the daughter of Eros. She is further said, without any husband, to have given birth to Moros, the Keres, Thanatos, Hypnos, Dreams, Momus, Oizys, the Hesperides, Moerae, Nemesis, and similar beings. (Hes. Theog. 211, &c.; Cic. de Nat. Deor. iii. 17.) In later poets, with whom she is merely the personification of the darkness of night, she is sometimes described as a winged goddess (Eurip. Orest. 176), and sometimes as riding in a chariot, covered with a dark garment and accompanied by the stars in her course. (Eurip. Ion, 1150; Theocrit. ii. in fin.; Orph. Hymn. 2. 7; Virg. Aen. v. 721; Tibull. ii. 1. 87; Val. Flacc. iii. 211.) Her residence was in the darkness of Hades. (Hes. Theog. 748; Eurip. Orest. 175; Virg. Aen. vi. 390.) A statue of Night, the work of Rhoecus, existed at Ephesus (Paus. x. 38. § 3). On the chest of Cypselus she was represented carrying in her arms the gods of Sleep and Death, as two boys (v. 18. § 1).”
Many fear darkness and without wonder, since in the darkness lies the unknown, the uncertain. However, if you take a moment to notice, our entire planet and solar system is surrounded by darkness. When we close our eyes to dream and think we are left with a vast darkness, a magnificent backdrop for our dreams, fantasies and desires.
Chaos is known as the state before creation. For me as a creature of habit and routines I try to avoid disorder at all cost. But at times I have to let chaos reign in my life because when you have everything figured out nothing can be born out of routines. It’s simply done, figured out, created, already formed. Out of chaos is where new ideas, perceptions and new ways of thinking are born. If we are in constant routine and stagnant energy, there tends to be no room for innovation, creativity and new beginnings in which chaos always tends to force us into.
Nyx is also associated with Nixies, water spirits who with their profound beauty seduce men into their waters. Nixies are also guardians of the night and soul.
“Her Nixies were abyssal angels who kept the souls of the dead in an underwater fairyland….” -The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets
As the mother of darkness, Nyx can teach you many things. Her children such as deceit, strife, pain and the many things humans fear and experience, in essence makes you wiser and more attune to your perceived darkness. Experiencing hardships is what helps bring your deepest darkest fear to light by way of confronting and resolving them.
In honor of Nyx I decided to feature my first Nyx Haul I got this summer. Just because night time can be serious doesn’t mean it’s not the time I like to glam up and have the most fun.
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These are very good for the price, I have no complaints very pigmented and worth the few bucks.
From left to right: Nyx Round Lipstick in Thalia
3 lip glosses Beige, Tanned, Natural
A jumbo eyeshadow pencil in Rust
This gloss is called Beige, a very pretty pink, goes beautifully with Thalia. I like wearing this with a light smokey eye and with my Avon After Glo Blush.
This is the jumbo eyeshadow pencil. I really like this pencil and regret not picking up a few more since they seem so useful and versatile. This color Rust is the same exact color as MAC’s Cranberry shadow I bought earlier this summer. Truly the same exact color, the perfect dupe for cranberry. Again I could have saved a couple of bucks since the consistency and color of the pencil and MAC’S shadow is nearly unnoticeable to me. (looking for that dupe list!)
So what better way to honor Nyx and the night, than to do your makeup for a relaxing night out, makeup in full force…..