A lot of things will be going on these next couple of days… Halloween (samhain), All soul’s day and my favorite Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead). One of my dreams is to experience The Day of the Dead in the middle of Mexico. Taking in all the colors, sugar skulls, altars, food and most importantly the people who honor the dead with such splendid festivities.
Many believe that despite their ancestors having experienced a physical death, they still do not cease to exist in the spriritual realm. It is believed that they continue to be part and conscious of us, the people they experienced life with. Neither time nor space seperates us. In the same way we love and remember them they also continue to do the same despite the thin veil that seperates us.
This is why on the day of the dead and the original meaning behind Halloween, calls for altars and offerings with the deceased’s favorite foods, candles and photos set up beautifully to ensure that the ancestors are still rememebered and honored for who they were and will become in their journey to spiritual elevation.
Just because your loved one died a physical death does not mean they should die a spiritual one too….
This is usually the time of year where I give thanks and remember my lineage. I give always thanks for the memories my ancestors left with each story told, each aunt, cousin and family member I have, which to me is an extension of my ancestors. You truly don’t know who you are until you know where you came from………..
This is my favorite time of the year so I will be enjoying it! I hope you all enjoy it in your own special way too……..
Images Via BeautyinEverything.com