What you put in your body is actually more important than what latest foundation or moisturizer you apply topically. True glowing skin starts from within and at the end of the day all makeup products only temporarily mask internal problems.
Check out some of my favorite juicing recipes I enjoy on a daily basis to not only maintain clear skin, but also overall health.
- Aloe Vera: Soothes inflamed/dry skin, strengthens skin tissues. Aloe Vera is also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties to the skin and promotes digestion.
- Green Apples: Detoxifies liver, important for circulation related to glowing skin tone.
- Spinach: Contains potassium and vitamin B and is packed with anti-oxidants protect cells from free radical damage and slow down the process of aging. Ideal for those with Eczema and Psoriaisis.
- Watercress: Very healing and cleansing leafy green. Treats all types of ailments such as cancer. Regenerating properties and cleansing as well.
Dark Green Vegetables [Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Watercress]: Antioxidants are key ingredients for maintaining clear skin. A heft dose of greens daily not only raises your mood but also helps regulate the production of oil your skin my over produce.
- Berries are notoroius for packing antioxidants which helps protect your skin from harmful free radicals which causes wrnkles and a dull complexion. Berries also helps the body produce collagen which reproduces glowing skin.
- Nuts: Cashews, Walnuts & Brazil nuts are good sources of healthy Fatty Acids essential for smooth appearance to your skin. Nuts are high in Selenium which helps fight free radicals and also improves the elasticity of the skin.
- Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits contains high levels of Vitamin C [otherwise known as Ascorbic Acid] that is instrumental in keeping your skin health and youthful. Vitamin C [often found in most anti aging serums and treatments] is a water soluble vitamin which means it cannot be stored by the body. This is why it’s important to consume at least a few servings of Vitamin C daily. The Vitamin C found in Citrus fruits acts a powerful antioxidant that aggressively fights free radicals while keeping your skin smooth and firm.
Images: Pinterest