I bought this bottle of Molasses at my natural health store late last summer mostly for my deep conditioners. Recently however molasses has become part of my diet as well.
I’ve known about molasses and it’s many health benefits since a child. My grandmother would always mention and recommend taking molasses especially to those who were prone to anemia. Recently my aunt had to have surgery done but was not able to undergo because her blood and iron levels were extremely low and not to mention anemic. Of course grandma came to the rescue (and molasses) and treated her for an entire month with blackstrap. Lone and behold she was good as new and ready to go have her surgery done.
This left me curious about the health benefits of molasses and did not want to just use molasses for my hair (review coming soon) knowing it has so much health potential. So I decided to take a tablespoon every other day to see what it can do for me health wise as well as a little research.
What is Blackstrap Molasses?
Blackstrap molasses is just one type of molasses, the dark liquid byproduct of the process of refining sugar cane into table sugar. It is made from the third boiling of the sugar syrup and is therefore the concentrated byproduct left over after the sugar’s sucrose has been crystallized. -Source
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What is it used for?
Organic Blackstrap molasses has a rich, full bodied flavour that adds natural colour to food. It is the end product, or by-product, of the production of sugar and contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements naturally found in the sugar cane plant and is a good source of iron, vitamin B6, potassium, calcium and magnesium.-source
Molasses, which is what’s left after all that refining during sugar production, retains many of the vitamins and minerals extracted from the raw sugar cane which can be extremely beneficial. One of the most familiar nutrients molasses is rich in is Iron.
Iron is essential for blood production which carries oxygen to the rest of our organs, such as the skin and brain as well as a very important nutrient for menstruating women and of course those who deal with anemia.
Anemia can be a bothersome disease considering the symptoms can interfere with your daily life. Lack of energy, constant fatigue, headaches, cloudy thinking, moodiness and an array of symptoms all ties in with anemia and the lack of vital vitamins and minerals like iron existing in our diets. Since most of the vitamins and minerals we need on a daily basis can not be produced by the body on it’s own it’s important we get the following from our foods and/or supplements.
Here are some of the nutrients molasses is rich in:
The Nutrients
Helps with bone formation, nervous system, Works with other vitamins to form elastin essential for tissue and muscle fibers as well as collagen production essential for healthy glowing skin. Copper also helps with hemoglobin the protein responsible to healthy red blood cells.
Foods rich in copper: Kiwi, lychees, Avocados, Lima beans, Taro root (malanga), Spirulina, Salmon, oats, walnuts
Aids with cholesterol plaque buildup
Aids the kidneys to help eliminate wastes
Reduces high Blood pressure
Sends oxygen to the brain which helps with headaches and clearer thinking
Foods rich in Potassium: Bannanas, Guava, cherries, Kiwi, potatoes, coconut, almonds, oats, salmon, yogurt, catfish, avocados
Important in the formation of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying factor in red blood cells; nourishes every cell in the body with oxygen; without it your body could not make ATP (the body’s primary energy source), produce DNA, or carry out many other critical functions; has shown to improve restless legs syndrome; is necessary for the proper metabolism of 8-Vitamins; prevents anemia and fatigue; promotes good skin tone, and stimulates the immune system; decreases the craving for alcohol.
Foods rich in Iron: Raisins, avocado, strawberries, potatoes, beans, cashews, oats, pumpkin seeds, turkey
Other nutrients
Calcium- not only for healthy bones and teeth but also plays a major role in the transmission between nerve impulses essential for a healthy nervous system
My experience with Blackstrap these past couple of months has been rather interesting. Before taking molasses I was relying on Spirulina as my daily supplement but had to lay off of it for a while since I had way too much energy and was having trouble sleeping. Molasses on the other hand provides me with adequate amounts of energy. Instead of huge bursts of energy I notice that my energy levels are gradually making it’s way up. Since I’m a menstruating woman and don’t indulge in too much meat, I find that I can use all the energy and Iron I can get from molasses and not to mention the other nutrients it’s rich in.
I don’t mix molasses with anything. I just take this tablespoon every other morning and chase it down with iced tea. The first thought that came to mind when I first took molasses was “dam this tastes like burnt coffee”, I’ve never had burnt coffee but that’s what came to mind. Once you get used to it you don’t really taste anything after a couple of tries. So far I notice I’m not beat by 8pm when I get home from a 12 hour shift. So that’s definitely a huge plus. I first started off with a tablespoon every morning. Then after about 2 weeks I cut down a bit and now take it every 3-4 days or when I’m feeling low on energy.
I bought unsulphured molasses, which is a chemical used (sulphur) during the refining process and some may be allergic to it. There are organic/unsulphured molasses. I did not see the organic version at my store so I just picked this one up
You can take molasses straight up like I do, add it to your warm tea, milk, or add it on to your smoothies.
As with anything remember to not over do it. Molasses is a sweetener so those with diabetes should be careful and consult their physician. Men should also take precaution since they don’t lose as much iron as women and may end up storing more iron than needed. Excess iron in the body can cause complications from heart attacks, organ failure along with other symptoms.