AHHH, to be woman. Such a novelty and refreshing, yet complex perspective.
So, as you can see, a few changes here at the blog. A new layout, new format and new content coming your way.
I initially was going to keep all my old blog posts archived, but decided to just start fresh with this post. It’s funny because 7 years ago around this time is when I first started this blog and in a eerie feeling feel like I’m making full circle.
I’ve been blogging and somewhat documenting my life since 2010. I first started blogging to document my “Hair Growth Journey” as well as find a platform for spiritual self expression. My mind is constantly on the go, I have a lot of ideas and forms of expression and find writing to be my greatest escape and true love.
I’m many things to the outside world. I’m a “witch”, I’m a healer, a writer, a lover, combatant, and so many darkness and light in between. To define me is a joke and a waste, as I’m many things at once and for all.
It is a time for rituals, mythology, metaphysics and occult knowledge.
I’ve never really cared about people’s opinions about my spirituality, but it seems to be so taboo to talk about death, spirits and even the devil and find my blog to be a space free of judgement in addressing those topics. If you’ve been following me for sometime, you know that I’ve touched base on those topics with no filter. No filter about the blackness and darkness that surrounds who I am. Who I’ve become.
God, its been so beautiful.
Dedicated to shedding light on hidden knowledge with basis, information and a lot of research and personal experience.