As mentioned in Part one, by now you should already have your intent set and ready to start balancing your Aura. Now all you will need is several ingredients and those thoughts you’ve set in motion.
Where to get your ingredients:
Your garden, local supermarket, cupboard and basically anything from anywhere that will inspire and work with your intent can instantly become your ingredient. The possibilities are endless when it comes to concocting your aura bath. As you will see some ingredients come from the same stuff I use to cook at on a regular basis. Others you can find at many new age stores as they call them, festivals etc or at botanicas known throughut NYC’s afro caribbean neighborhoods.
What I Got:
This bath in particular I got at a Botanica for $7. These types of baths are usually so elaborately decorated just like the other bath I picked up here, so I’m usually attracted by one or the other every time I visit a botanica. I went with this unlocking bath because it instantly brought to mind the thought of a door flinging right open. I thought to myself, “before you can begin any path you must unlock the door to that path.”
What I got it for:
Considering for whom I was catering this bath for, unlocking a door seemed appropriate for this person. So this bath is definetly for the type of person who is afraid to even turn the knob to see if it’s locked in the first place!
Before I opened this bag I was expecting the usual dried herbs I usually find in these pouches. But to my surprise I found a bunch of colorful pine cone like flowerettes. When I opened the bag I gasped and went “ohh”. Only because I was really surprised, they were so cute! It was a rather pleasant surprise and I had very good feelings because I knew this bath was off to a good start.
The first thoughts that came to my mind when I saw these colorful pine cones were the Pineal Gland and the Chakras. Chakras for the colors and Pineal gland (aka Third Eye) for the association that organ in our brain has with pine cones. Pines cones are said to be used as symbols for the pineal gland which is closely related to dreams, psychic abilities and so on.
The Ingredients:
When making Aura baths the type of water you use depends on you. You can use tap water or buy distilled water. In this case I used distilled water. No matter what type of water I choose I always take a moment to “charge” my water. I may simply say a few things associated with what I’m trying to accomplish (for example: This bath is to strengthen my aura, I take a moment to charge this water to help strengthen my aura against negativity, sickness etc) or I meditate on it for a while envisioning what I hope the bath to accomplish. It all depends on you and the energy you put forth.
These pines cones were a very delightful surprise….. their association with the third eye turned out to be very interesting because that’s just what I hoped for this bath to achieve. To open the mind, the third eye into a greater understanding of not only our surroundings but most importantly ourselves.
The ingredient for any aura bath really depends on what you wish to attract. In this case we are looking to attract prosperity, opening of the mind to greater understanding of one self and dispelling negative vibrations and thoughts.
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Cloves |
Cloves are very useful for any type of bath. Cloves are used in spiritual magic to drive away negative energy. It also purifies the aura when used in a bath as well as attracts prosperous energy to help enhance your manifestations.
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Sesame Seeds |
Sesame seeds were added to this bath to help unlock the door to greater paths. You can also read more on sesame seeds mentioned in a post here. Sesame is said to help unlock doors in the personal sense of overcoming obstacles in one’s life.
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Cinnamon Sticks |
Cinnamon is one of my favorite magical ingredients and often use them in most of my personal baths. Cinnamon is often time used to enhance spirituality. So if your on that curious path of knowing the greater purpose of it all cinnamon can be a great mind opener. Can be used for success, healing, power and for spiritual meditations as well.
Although not pictured, I also added a few bay leaves for an extra added touch. I let this simmer slowly for about an hour. Then I top it off and let it sit until cool. Once everything is done I use glass bottles and seal them with labels. It’s a very interesting process and while doing an aura bath especially for others, you want to be mindful of your thoughts and feelings.
I always plan ahead and choose quiet mornings to get my baths started. With a clear mind and focused intent anything can be done.
How to use your aura bath
As mentioned you want to have fully visualized what you want the aura bath to accomplish. It’s always best to start simple. I always ask for peace, balance, wisdom and inner tranquility. With those self developed qualities I know I can achieve anything.
Once you have taken your mundane bath and rid yourself of the physical grime and dirt you want to give yourself a final rinse with your bath. I usually get two baths from a bottle like this. I have a separate cup in which I add warm bath water to help with the cold weather. Since summer is right around the corner that won’t be necessary. If possible you can let your self air dry otherwise lightly patting yourself dry will also suffice.
So let me know how it goes. Remember you can always add a little extra or take away.
It’s all up to you.