Modern age was killing me! Between working a full time job (50-80) hour work weeks, building a spiritual foundation, blogging, establishing my brand, working out and among other personal obligations, there’s no telling how stress can wreak havoc on your mind, body and spirit.
I first came across Sarsaparilla when I was dealing with joint pain related to Rheumatism in late 2015 and throughout the year 2016. I was also experiencing skin problems as a result of an auto immune disorder I suddenly developed.
Let’s cut to the chase here, I was not sleeping enough hours, eating junk food, sugar overload, stressing and worrying and neglecting meditation. I was on a roller coaster of self destruction unknowingly. This is why I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I literally ran down my immune system and as a result my body was completely out of balance.
I didn’t realize how burning the candle at both ends could nearly destroy me and after doing much research decided to take Sarsaparilla to calm my nervous system and detoxify my blood.
Before going into details about Sarsaparilla, I want to stress (no pun intended) how important it is to reevaluate your sleeping habits, eating habits and frame of thoughts. They play an important role to overall well being and maintaining optimal health. Herbal supplements are just that, supplements to an already existing strong personal health regimen. They are not a cure all to any health imbalance you may be experiencing.
So, I added Sarsaparilla for two reasons.
One was to detoxify my blood and two, treat inflammation.
Little did I know how much more I’d be getting out of this supplement.
Additional Benefits of Sarsaparilla
- Nervous System friendly to beat Fatigue/Weakness
- Relieves Indigestion/Stomach issues such as Constipation, gases
- Bloating, Fluid Retention, Stimulates Digestion and Urination, Promotes Perspiration
- Skin Issues (Acne, Psoriasis. Eczema, Ulcers, Wounds, Nail Fungus, Leprosy)
- Infections, Urinary Infections, Fever, Overheating
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphillis
- Treats Colds + Coughs
- Helps with impotence and low sex drive
What is Sarsaparilla and How Does it work?
Sarsaparilla is native throughout the Americas; South and Central America and there are many species known throughout the Caribbean and North America as well.
“Research shows that one way sarsaparilla might help improve detoxification is through binding to “endotoxins” within the GI tract, which are chemicals stored inside cells (especially bacterial cells) that are released into the bloodstream and contribute to problems like liver disease, psoriasis, fevers and inflammatory processes. Studies have found that sarsaparilla has hepatoprotective effects (fighting liver damage and liver disease) due to its antioxidants, acids and plant sterols.” Dr. Axe
How does Sarsaparilla work for me?
I’ve tried many Solar Ray brand supplements before and decided to give this one a shot for about $12 at my local natural health food store. This bottle contains 100 capsules.
I take supplements in “waves” meaning that I stop taking any other herb or supplement and focus on the new herb I will be taking for 2 months.
For 2 months, I evaluate the effects the new supplement I’m taking has on me. Not only for any reactions, but also the health benefits I may notice too.
Then after about 2 months, I stop taking the new supplement for about 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks, I reintroduce my normal supplements in addition to the newly tried herb or supplement. This 2 week time frame allows me to see how I feel after not taking the herb. As well as notice any subtle changes after reintroducing it back to my daily diet.
How do you take Sarsaparilla?
I normally take Sarsaparilla an hour before I workout at the gym at about 3:00 pm. It helps me sweat a lot more by the end of my cardio workouts. I also take it to keep my blood cleansed and lymphatic system working properly. Drinking a lot of water is important when taking sarsaparilla as it works to reduce retention of water.
How often do you take it?
I make sure to take Sarsaparilla everyday, but some weekends I do forget to take them, but surely take them throughout the weekdays, especially before workouts.
What Difference did you notice after taking Sarsaparilla?
In addition to sweating a lot more while working out, I noticed that my skin feels and looks a lot clearer too. I also feel I have more energy without feeling too jittery by the end of the night, which is good because I workout late in the evenings.
I also notice a lot less cramping of my legs and feet when working out and rarely deal with bloating or gases, especially if I keep my diet clean.
Sarsaparilla stimulates the kidneys to help detoxify the body of toxins and also binds to toxins in the gut before it reaches the bloodstream. This is important for me since according to my research, a lot of symptoms related to an autoimmune disease are tied to the gut and overall gut health.
Possible Side Effects?
During my findings I’ve come across information where some claim that Sarsaparilla has hormonal effects on the body such as testosterone for building muscle for men and estrogen to help women with hormonal issues. Read more here. The testosterone claims may be related to modified laboratory versions where the Sarsaparilla saponins are transformed. There have also been claims that Sarsaparilla can have some irritating effects on the gut depending on dosage and sensitivity.
All in all, Sarsaparilla is my favorite supplement to date due to its versatility and ability to assist the immune system. Its also an all around tonic able to address several ailments at once.
****Remember, I’m not a Medical Doctor and highly recommend you do your research and speak to your Doctor about what works best for you.
The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs by Michael Tierra
20,000 Secrets of Tea by Victoria Zack
Detoxification: All You Need to Know to Recharge and Rejuvenate by Linda Page
Detox At Home: How to Get Rid of Harmful Toxins from Your Body by Patricia Loh
Textbook of Natural Medicine by Joseph E. Pizzorno
It’s so great the amazing things Sarsaparilla seems to have done for you and your health. I love that it comes with a laundry list of benefits, particularly the low sex drive. Who knew? I had no idea that supplements could help you detoxify your blood. I know that is pivotal to your health. As you said, our mental and spirit is very important to obtain optimal health, but I also love learning about things that could help my health in other ways too.