Peace and tranquility are two things many are unfamiliar with considering all the daily hassles and stress one has to deal with on a daily basis.
Trying to maintain a harmonious environment whether it be at home, work or just within yourself
{CLOSED} New Creations & Cowry shell Giveaway ends June 21st
Don't forget! My cowry shell giveaway ends June 21st!
simply join the giveaway Here... if you have not entered yet.
A few more creations I came up with this past weekend.
Blue sky
Cream of coconut deep conditioner and some hair ramblings
These past three weeks my hair and I it seems have started a whole new journey all over again. It's been a year since I started bringing my hair back to life and focusing on the factors contributing to it's health (water, diet, regimen). Between
Loofah & Dry brushing: A Review
Growing up my mother always had this weird thing in her shower. It was a loofah and a weird one at that. As a child you don't really worry about exfoliating so knowing my mom would intentionally scratch her skin with that thing confused me.
How to Eat Malanga Coco
Now that summer is just about here I'm slowly saying good bye to my winter comfort foods. This is perhaps one of my most favorite things to eat for breakfast. Malanga as I know it (many varieties of names, yautia coco being one, I
Deity of the day: Sheila Na Gig
From the looks of it Sheila Na Gig's pose would seem to be something straight out of a men's magazine baffling and intriguing many with her extravagant way of display. Sheila Na Gigs are stone carvings of women, with their legs wide open,
The Health Benefits of Spirulina: My Experience
I've been taking spirulina on and off for the past 2 years or so and have been pleasantly surprised how spirulina has become so popular since. Spirulina is known as a supplement but truthfully it's considered a food and a super food at that, known to
Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
Earlier this month I was over at the fabulous EVERYTHING blog Moptop maven. I say everything because this blog is so versatile it's amazing. She cooks, shops, creates, and it's just simply a very entertaining and inspiring blog to visit. So I was
The Essence of Cowry Shells
Ever since memory I have always been fascinated with all things associated with the sea. Sea horses, mermaids, dolphins and of course seafood. There are many things I love about the sea but truly one of the most fascinating things about the sea I
Beauty Haul: Wet n Wild Sumptuous, Rimmel Paradise + some more goodies
Rimmel Paradise, L'oreal pretentious, tainted & precarious, Revlon lipgloss cherry in the glow, Wet N wild Sumptuous Quad is all the stuff I picked up the other night for under 15 bucks.
But first off with my favorite find of the
Health Benefits of Grapefruit
About two weeks ago I decided to indulge in a rather bitter sweet moment with this beautiful grapefruit. It has been such a long time since I've had a grapefruit that I was delighted to smell and see how vibrant and beautiful the coral color inside
Maybelline Gratifying Green
This is maybelline's eyeshadow trio called gratifying green. I picked it up a few weeks ago at the drug store for about 3 bucks. Usually maybelline eye shadows and I dont' get along because they tend to fade after a couple of hours and they also tend